sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

Love, Love, Love♥

The 3 theories of Love

  1. Rubin's theory states that there are 3 elements of love:
  • Caring- valuing the other person needs as much as your own. i.e. If he is happy=i'm happy.

  • Attachment- the need to receive care, approval and physical contact from your partner.

  • Intimacy- sharing of thoughts, desires, and feelings.

2. Hatt Field's theory states that there are 2 types of love:

  • Compassionate love- when the relationship is based in: respect, attachment, trust and its mutual.

  • Passionate love- when the relationship is based in: intense emotions, sexual attraction and affection.

3. The relationship pyramid

  • You need to follow the pyramid from the bottom to the top, if you start from the top then you could damage your...
  1. Physical health (STD, unwanted pregnancy).
  2. Emotional health, for don't saying NO, or have patience.
  3. Social health, work on your reputation, if you are a model to your brother/sister.

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